Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spring Cleaning - Laundry Room & Bathroom

So I'm still doing my spring cleaning this year (and I'm super motivated thanks to Pinterest) so I decided to focus a few days on the laundry room and the master bathroom.  First up is the laundry room.  This is what it used to look like (I warn you, the picture is horrific!)

Don't say I didn't warn you ('cause I did...).  Now, you can imagine how much I looked at that and almost turned away and decided that that was a project for another day.  But I pushed on and promised myself I'd get it done.  So I forged ahead and cleared everything out (aside from the washer and dryer, for obvious reasons...).

Look at all the space in there!  I couldn't believe there was so much room in there!  I'd forgotten all about how big my laundry room actually was!  So after spending an hour removing everything from the laundry room, I organized everything into different groups: tools, cleaning attachments, cleaning supplies, etc.  So once I put everything in labeled boxes, I found a home for everything.

Unfortunately, it looked a bit dark...

...so I fixed it!  I split the hangers on the two sides so the light was better.  Also, I'm sure you've noticed how obsessive I am about color-coordination.  My husband disagrees with my color-coordination choices -- he says they should be chromatic, but I like them alphabetical (I put grey after green, because I spell grey with an e, not an a...just so you know).  Anyway, I put the emergency light on the top shelf next to the iron because it needs to be easily accessible (so behind the hangers is not really the best place for it...).

Next up is the master bathroom.  I forgot to take a before picture, but let me tell you that it was not organized well (I found stuff I didn't even know we had) and it was so cluttered!  Half the countertop was covered in stuff!  This is what it looks like now:

As you can see, my sink is on the left so all of my stuff is there and his sink is on the right so all of his stuff is there and all of the communal stuff is in the middle (toothpaste, mouthwash, hand lotion - usually for the winter months, etc.).

In order to get all of my stuff off the counter yet still easily accessible, we bought a bathroom rack to store stuff on.  The top shelf has all my headbands, hairbrushes, and hair products (leave-in conditioner, mousse, hairspray).  The next shelf has all my makeup (with my blow dryer hanging off the side for easy access).  The last shelf has my nail care stuff (nail polish, nail polish remover, emory boards, nail clippers) and my small hair accessories.  The very bottom of my little tower holds all of our towels.

All of our extra stuff is under my sink: curlers in the back; curling irons in the Woodchuck box; alcohol and hydrogen peroxide up front: and extra face cleaners, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shower gels and all that on the right side so I can find everything when I need it.

Under my husband's sink is other household stuff: hand soap on the left, shower cleaner and bleach next to the soap, all the small everyday stuff next to that (cotton balls, eye care products, q-tips, dental floss - each in their respective drawer), and toilet paper on the far right (that way it's closer to the toilet for when my husband forgets to the replace the toilet paper roll - or when I forget, but who's really keeping track, right?)

So that's the latest in my spring cleaning spree!  I hope this inspires someone to take a little time to reorganize and find space that was hiding in plain sight!

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