Thursday, July 25, 2013

My List

I know I haven't written in a bit, but I came across this blog about a month ago and I've been reading some posts here and there and it really got me thinking.  I feel right now that I should warn you that there will be some heavy use of the word "dammit," so if that offends you, you might wanna just move on along...  Alright.  So everyone who's offended at the word dammit has left (or at least we hope so...because I really don't wanna hear about how I shouldn't use that word blah blah blah -- they had their warning).  As I was saying at the beginning, I came across a new-to-me blog about a month ago (I'm not sure how I got there, but I'm really glad I did!) and I read this page about creating a dammit list, and I wanted to give it a try.  So without further ado, here it is:

My Dammit List

I do not have to wait tables for the rest of my life, dammit!

I do not have to work for The Man to feel adequate, dammit! *

Success is what I make it to be, dammit!

Just because I will tolerate working with stupid people doesn't mean I have to always be nice to them, dammit!

I will wear whatever makes me feel comfortable or pretty or sexy or whatever, dammit!

I will make a positive impact while I'm here on Earth, dammit!

I will recycle and up-cycle everything I possibly can, dammit! **

I have always been and will always be a strong individual, dammit!

I will forgive you once if you screw me over -- after that, you're on my shit list, dammit!

I have my diva moments, and sometimes they are truly necessary, dammit!

I will not watch what I eat to maintain a societally accepted body weight/shape/size/whatever, dammit! ***

Respect is earned, dammit!

If you act like an asshole, I will treat you like an asshole, dammit!

I have a very long bucket list that I add to constantly, because I have stuff to accomplish, dammit!

And I do check stuff off that bucket list, so I have to add more stuff to accomplish, dammit!

I stand up for myself, dammit!

I will not be a victim, dammit! ****

I am a feminist, dammit!

I am creative, dammit!

I am learning to speak my mind, whether or not anyone else likes it, dammit!

I'm kinda quirky, and that's how I like it, dammit!

*This doesn't mean I don't want to work for The Man ever, but it does mean that I can still feel adequate if I'm doing my own freelance gig for a bit.

**This is something I learned from my grandmother (she survived the Great Depression).

***But I will do it for health reasons...

****This doesn't mean shit hasn't happened or won't happen to me -- it means I choose to learn from the experience and I do things to ensure it doesn't happen again.

I'm sure this isn't all that will ever be on my Dammit List, but it's a work in progress...I think it is always in progress.  So I'm sure I'll add to it and take away from it and everything else throughout the years.  But for now, that's a pretty good Dammit List.  Enjoy and start your own Dammit List, dammit!

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